Thursday, July 11, 2013


Rubistar is a site that allows you to create any rubric based on what you are teaching. A rubric is simply a grading scale, whatever the project may be which is my case was a Persuasive Essay, so what I did was take the elements that I am looking for and grade accordingly. With the persuasive essay I am looking for an attention grabber or quality introduction paragraph, thesis statement, supporting details on whether they are for or against the topic given, closing paragraph, spelling/ punctuation, sentence structure and grammar. Now that I have all the elements that I will be looking for in their essays, I create a scale of 5 being the highest and 1 being the lowest and write what the students need to do in order to obtain a 5. Rubrics are a guide for students to see what they need to do to receive a high score as well as what will give them a low score.

Rubrics should be given to the student prior to the assignment so they have a guideline and something that clearly states what the teacher is looking for; this is a great tool for grading and I have used rubrics may of times for papers, PowerPoint projects as well as collaborative projects.

You can view my rubric here:

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